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Friday, May 16, 2014

Old-Timey Watermelon Rind Preserves

1920's Family Recipe
Mary Ellen's Watermelon Rind Preserves
2 lbs. watermelon rind
1 qt. cold water
1/4 c. non-iodized salt
1 lemon
4 c. granulated sugar
2 1/2 c. hot water

Pare the watermelon rind and cut into cubes.

(That means cut off the green rind and remove any remaining red.  Then cut the white part into cubes)
Cover (white cubes) with cold water and salt and let stand overnight. In the morning, drain and cook in fresh water, to cover, until tender. Drain.
Mix sugar, hot water and thinly sliced lemon and add the cooked watermelon. Cook until transparent (really transparent). Seal at once in sterilized jars. (Turn sealed jars upside down for 20 minutes or so. Then right side up to cool.)

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